In important markets, including the United States and the UK, Netflix has begun its long-promised “crackdown on sharing passwords.” The...
Netflix apologises to its viewers because of a sudden technical glitch that occurred during the live streaming of its popular...
According to a person with knowledge of the matter, Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx is still being monitored in a hospital...
As a result of its affiliation with the TV ratings company Barb, Netflix will now, for the first time, have...
As it struggles with slowed growth and heightened competition, Netflix has announced yet another round of job cuts. After eliminating...
Netflix’s stock has dropped 35% after the company revealed a sharp drop in subscribers and warned that millions more are...
Following sexual harassment charges against the US actor, a mediator has ordered Kevin Spacey to pay roughly $31 million (£23.2...
Netflix is launching its first games globally an attempt to enter the gaming subscription sector. On Tuesday, the company will...