Elon Musk, a renowned figure for his groundbreaking work in the realms of space science and artificial intelligence, has once...
DeepMind, Google’s AI subsidiary, has harnessed artificial intelligence to detect alterations in human DNA that could potentially lead to diseases....
Spotify’s CEO has refuted the notion that users can exploit the platform’s royalty system by repeatedly listening to their own...
Arm, the British chip designer, is embarking on its first public share sale since 2016, with aspirations to attain a...
A powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 occurred beneath the sea to the north of the Bali and Lombok...
Vietnamese electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer VinFast has surpassed Ford and General Motors (GM) in stock market valuation on its trading...
Amazon’s e-commerce segment saw a resurgence in Q2, contrasting months of lackluster spending in a sluggish economy. CEO Andy Jassy’s...
The owners of Twitter face accusations of attempting to silence “anti-hate campaigners” using threatening legal letters, as claimed by the...
Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk, stated that the electric carmaker could further reduce prices amid the current “turbulent times” in the...
Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter for $44 billion in October last year has resulted in a significant decline in the...