Taylor Swift’s highly anticipated concert film, “Eras Tour,” has already become a record-breaking hit at the box office, raking in...
Usher is set to headline the Super Bowl half-time show in 2024, following in the footsteps of Rihanna, who wowed...
US actress Drew Barrymore has decided to delay the premiere of her US talk show until the Hollywood strikes come...
WWE luminary Windham Rotunda, also recognised as Bray Wyatt, has tragically passed away due to heart-related complications at the age...
Irish musician Hozier has expressed his willingness to participate in a strike over the potential threat posed by artificial intelligence...
Las Vegas Police have decided to halt their investigation into a criminal battery incident involving rapper Cardi B, where she...
The latest Ofcom report highlights a significant drop in weekly viewership for broadcast TV, marking its most substantial decline on...
Kylie Minogue, the renowned singer, is set to perform an exclusive residency in Las Vegas, joining the ranks of other...
Hollywood actors have joined screenwriters in a major strike, causing the largest industry shutdown in over six decades. Around 160,000...
Novelist and television producer Daisy Goodwin has made an accusation against a Conservative mayoral candidate, alleging that he groped her...