To commemorate the franchise’s 20th anniversary, the most recent Halo game was published three weeks early. Halo: Infinite was meant...
The penultimate day of the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow is approaching, amid mounting concerns that the aim of limiting...
Netflix is launching its first games globally an attempt to enter the gaming subscription sector. On Tuesday, the company will...
Tesla’s latest “complete self-driving” car software upgrade has been withdrawn due to driver complaints. Some drivers have noticed concerns with...
According to the UN, governments’ plans to extract fossil fuels until 2030 are incompatible with keeping global temperatures at safe...
Magic Leap, an augmented reality (AR) company, has shown the second generation of its headset, as well as $500 million...
Google has announced that it will stop advertising ads on climate change denial YouTube videos and other content, as well...
Drug levels that are harmful to the environment have been discovered in the river that runs through the Glastonbury Festival...
Alibaba’s stock has plummeted after a report that its financial affiliate, Ant Group, is once again under investigation. According to...
As El Salvador prepares to become the first government in the world to recognise Bitcoin as legal cash on September...