March 12, 2025

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Image credit: MDPI

Isometric resistance training is a effective way of reducing blood pressure: study

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a widespread problem that affects 1.13 billion people worldwide. Heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of mortality worldwide, and high blood pressure is a key risk factor for both.

Many persons with high blood pressure, however, are unaware that they have it. As a result, persons over the age of 18 should get their blood pressure checked every two years at the absolute least.

Exercising is one of the most effective ways to lower the global prevalence and severity of high blood pressure. When it comes to enhancing heart health, aerobic and dynamic resistance exercises are the most recommended. Isometric resistance training (IRT) is another option.

IRT has been described as a time-efficient method of lowering blood pressure in a recent study headed by UNSW Medicine & Health experts.

Isometric training is a type of strength training in which muscles are recruited and stress is applied without the muscle extending or shortening.

Plank, bent-over press against wall, and static lunge are examples of isometric exercises, in which the muscles produce force but do not change length, as opposed to standard strength training movements like squats and push-ups, in which the muscles shorten and lengthen during the activity.

IRT was proven to be safe for high blood pressure patients in a new study led by Harrison Hansford and Dr Matthew Jones, both licensed exercise physiologists from the School of Health Sciences.