The construction industry in India is larger than imagined. It is the second-largest industry in the country. But this industry...
MOSCOW - Russian small private carmaker Zetta is designing an electric car and plans to launch production this year, Russia's...
The modern era is best understood by relating it with the emergence of digital devices and internet services. Since the...
For one public college trainer in Laurel County. Kentucky, right training manner creating a painful and tough decision. While her...
Japan’s aircraft launches capsule on earth carrying the first rock samples from the asteroid surface
Japan’s space station Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) achieved a milestone when the capsule launched from the spacecraft Hayabusa2 carrying...
As per reports Apple supplier, Foxconn is shifting the manufacturing of Macbook and iPad from China to Vietnam at Apple’s...
The Hop-On-Hop-Off (HOHO) sightseeing bus service of the capital city of India, will return soon next year with various new...
With the rise of social issues, a lot of NGOs are looking for people willing to help them and volunteers...
It said any videos that contradict expert consensus from local health authorities, such as the NHS or World Health Organization,...
Facebook has announced that it will not take on any new political ads in the seven days prior to the...